Sunday, April 28, 2013

Substance Use and Addiction in the Media

As technology progresses, society becomes more and more saturated in the daily happenings of the world through social media, television, etc. In saying this, the portrayal of substance use and addiction is a widespread topic that has had a lot of research done on it. Could our media outlets be suggestive of an addictive lifestyle?

Griffiths (2010) shows the impact media can have on a variety of things in our lives. His study, which is an analysis of other studies dealing with the same subject, seem to show that mass media can, in fact, influence behavior (Griffiths, 2010). Studies have shown that people who watch shows dealing with drug and alcohol use have a tendency to be more apt to do drugs and alcohol themselves (Griffiths, 2010). Going deeper into the article, there have been studies done that have shown that the likeability of film actors and actresses who smoke on-screen and off can directly influence whether a fan of theirs engages in similar activities. Griffiths suggests that since we know that media can adversely affect the population, why not put more positive behaviors on television. However, it seems as if that is not what people want to watch, so it does not seem like a feasible option.

To further illustrate these points, Sulkenen (2007) conducted a study in which there were 140 movie scenes from 47 movies that dealt with the portrayal of drug, alcohol, gambling, etc. Sulkenen (2007) found that the portrayal of these scenes were mostly positive and focused on the fun and 'good' side of addiction. Gunasekera et al. (2005) looked at 87 most popular movies of the past twenty years. It was found that there was use of cannabis in 8% of the films, tobacco use in 68% and drunken behavior in 32% of the films. Gunasekera et al. concluded, much like Sulkenen that they were almost ALWAYS portrayed in a positive light. This begs the question of why is addiction portrayed in a positive light?

Much research has been done to find this answer out; and it seems to always boil down to money. Sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc. SELLS. Seeing others engage in these types of behaviors makes us want to go out and have fun. Nobody wants to sit at home and watch about boring stuff, things that don't thrill us. In our culture, we pay more money to celebrities like the cast of Jersey Shore than we do to the people who save their lives when they're drunk beyond comprehension. There is something inherently wrong with that. It seems we live in a culture that is dead set on entertainment, rather than knowledge.

Personally, I find the medias portrayal of substance use and addiction appalling. Outside of shows like Intervention, substance use is glorified in our media outlets and society. As stated earlier, shows like Jersey Shore glamorize partying and acting stupid. They are paid millions of dollars to go out, get drunk, and act stupid. However, that is not the biggest issue at hand. That belongs to the millions of teenagers that see this and think that behavior is acceptable and the social norm. Our media outlets are creating a generation that will be engulfed in reality television and the lifestyle it portrays. However, producers will put on whatever gets the highest ratings; and until that changes, the glorification of substance use and addiction in the media will continue to flourish under the growing stupidity of society.


Griffiths, M. D. (2010). Media and advertising influences onadolescent risk behaviour. Education and Health, 28(1), 2-5. Retrieved from

Gunasekera, N. (2005). Our addiction to media. Retrieved from 12.htm

Sulkunen, P. (2007, 05). Effects of media on society. Retrieved from 12.htm

Summary of Habits Assignment

Throughout the semester, everybody in class was assigned the task of picking out a habit and during the course of the semester trying to break this habit. In my case, I chose to limit, then completely cut out my consumption of soda. Given that I want to become more physically fit, I chose this because I know the health detriments to soda and wanted to be able to try something that would allow for a positive, healthy, gain in my life. In saying this, the reasoning behind the elimination of soda from my diet was driven by personal desire to allow myself an opportunity to become more physically fit by cutting soda out of my diet.

As the semester progressed, I found it easier and easier to accomplish these goals. As of right now, I am ten pounds lighter then when I started the semester. However, in saying this, this task did not come without challenges. During a few of our breaks during the semester, I had to go back home where the only drink options are Soda, Milk, and spicket water. I fell back into old habits and consumed a reasonably large amount of soda while I was back home. I took it upon myself to make sure that did not happen again. While I was at school, I did not ever feel the urge to really drink soda because there are such a variety of choices at school. Overall, I would say it was fairly easy to obtain this goal once I got through the mental barrier of being at home and making good decisions while there.

Through this journey throughout the semester, I really wanted to take it upon myself to do this for me. I am a very stubborn individual at times, so I wanted to prove to myself that I could do this with little to no help. I do believe, however, if I would've allowed for help that it could not in anyway really be a detriment to the goals I was trying to reach. In fact, moving forward and sticking to this past gradaution, I believe it would be sensible to reach out to friends to make sure I am sticking to the physical goals I am setting for myself and deny me sodas even if I beg for them!

As I said before, I wanted to do this by myself to prove that I could keep myself from drinking soda. I learned that if I put my mind to something and truly dedicate myself to it, then I can accomplish those goals. Perhaps, it installed in me that a strong mind can defy whatever matter you are craving. Also, I learned that to get in the physical condition I am hoping for, it takes time, dedication, and committment. In saying this, I believe this whole assignment set a solid foundation in my pursuit of these goals. It gives me experience now to draw back on and hopefully it will aid me in the future.

While my 'addiction' falls in comparison to what we studied this semester, it does shed light on the process of 'recovery.' Learning about the specifics of addiction made me realize that if changing a simple habit, like drinking soda, is difficult I can only imagine how difficult it would be to change a chemical dependency, like cocaine. I believe in general terms, this experience is an eye-opening experience, one in which the person who is involved in it should get a small understanding of the grasp addiction can have on someone. From our readings and discussions in-class, I can see how strong an addiction can be. As we've learned throughout the semester, there are a variety of different addictions, but all of them rest on the person and the families involved to help them get through it.

After doing this mini-study, I think it has to be infinitely harder to deal with a real strong addiction like we've learned about throughout the semester. It gave me an appreciation of the struggle one has to go through to become sober again. I think in relation to the type of support/counseling needed for someone who is trying to change a behavior could be out-patient treatment. It should be enough to keep them on track of their behaviors and allow for them to set goals and constantly remind themselves of the goals at hand for a better life. I believe that habits/addictions can be overcome, but they are never truly 'broken' or 'cured.' You have to live with whatever issues you had before and to battle with it until your time is done. Our brains almost seemed to be wired to look back on the past, and sometimes it comes back and bites us. Some people are able to move forward and live happy, healthy lives. However, on the other end of the spectrum, some people are stuck looking back always wrapped up in their addiction. It's a constant battle between mind and matter, that is a lifetime struggle once you are first addicted.

Overall, I loved this assignment. Please keep it for future classes!!!


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Article for Chapter 13

Chapter 13 talks about a numerous amount of issues, however, I would like to delve deep into the issue of the criminalization of drug addicts. A New York Times article investigated the issue of The Criminalization of Bad Mothers. However, there is a portion that deals with drug-addicted mothers and cases in which prosecutors wanted to penalize them for potentially harming their children before their birth.

The article delves right into a case about a mother who was criminally charged for "chemically endangering" her child in the state of Alabama. The mandatory sentence for this is 10 years to life; but was set at a bail of $250,000 (Calhoun, 2012). She was eventually sentenced to the minimum of 10 years. The article goes on and talks about the rarity of such cases, however, organizations such as the Personhood USA have been trying to get laws in place in which a "fully rights endowed person is created once sperm meets egg" (Calhoun, 2012). This organization wants the mother to be held accountable for any drug use after that under criminal punishment. As of 2012, it has legislature and initiatives in 22 states. However, adveraries to this argue that they believe this is a health issue and should not be treated as a criminal action (Calhoun, 2012). Much of the article gives examples of other cases in Alabama where women were accused and charged with numerous penalties for doing drugs while pregnant. Many prosecutors equate doing drugs while pregnant to driving while drunk; "a crime was still committed, although nothing had been done." The article concludes with an analysis by the author in which she seems to play both sides of the fence. Overall, it was a phenomenal article and a very interesting read.

Personally, I believe that mothers should be held accountable for endangering their child while pregnant. If you feel that you are responsible enough to engage in sexual activity; you then are responsible enough to care for a child in the proper way. I am a firm believer that once the sperm meets the egg the end result is a child. In NO cases, has there been any other outcome. I would agree with Alabama's law and wish it would be implemented elsewhere. By holding the parent accountable and making them complete treatment along with possible jail time, it would provide them an opportunity at a chance to raise their child in a more safe, friendly, and drug free environment. I believe the author of this article for the New York Times did a really good job creating this story and making it easy to understand for the casual reader. Also, she looked at both sides of the case and was not biased towards one or the other. Overall, I am really glad I found this article. It relates closely to our reading and it is nice when you can relate in-class text to outside material for application purposes.

Calhoun, A. (2012, 04 25). The criminalization of bad mothers. New York Times.Retrieved from

Saturday, April 13, 2013


I conducted my interview with Brenda Robinson, an employee at Philhaven. She strictly deals with Alcohol addiction and the treatment plans for it.

They usually outsource their clients to various 12-step meetings, although there are many meetings held at the Philhaven Campus. The reason for outsourcing many is because of the distance between home and Philhaven. Finding areas that are for less travel make it easier on the clients. However, it is STRONGLY encouraged that they attend the meetings at Philhaven as frequently as possible. This is due to the relationship the client and patient have developed and the continuity in the treatment plan. There are inpatient and outpatient treatments depending on the severity. If they have been deemed a hazard to themselves or to society, inpatient treatment is often the route chosen.

They focus primarily on treating and educating their clients about the effects alcohol can have not only on themselves, but also their families. As stated previously, they do provide direct care, but was not told if they help with the medicine at all.

Brenda was able to give me a ballpark range of the number of people they treat annually. Their alcohol addiction unit is small and serve only somewhere between 500-700 people annually. Most of the development in the organization have stuck to mostly the typical mental illnesses (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc.).

Brenda reiterated how restrained they are by legal and ethical standards. She could not go into detail about these certain guidelines because of one of those very legal/ethical standards. She could tell me, however, that they HEAVILY influence the way they treat their clients and even said sometimes it really inhibits the process.

The one question I asked her directly pertained to the Legal/Ethical Guidelines: "Do you feel these guidelines and liability legal laws inhibit you from providing the best care?"

-She went on to say that in an ideal world she would do these things much differently, but an idealistic world is not realistic. She prefers a different way to go about treatment, but the results have shown that this way is just as effective, although maybe a longer process.

I believe all of this information is what we'd expect from what we've learned in class so far. Whether it be their treatment options, how they treat them, or the legal/ethical implications, it covers a lot of what we already have in class. I thought this was a very rewarding experience because it provided application to the in-class material that we had been covering. I am very glad I did this and learned about their organization and a little about Brenda herself.

Overall, I am appreciative of this opportunity.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Chapter 10 Article Summary

The article I chose dealt with need-service matching in substance abuse treatment and racial/ethnic differences in them.

The data was collected from 1992-1997 for the National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study which was aimed to better improve the treatment of minorities in substance abuse clinics. The sample consisted of 3142 clients (1812 African Americans, 486 Latinos, and 844 Whites.) The study showed that minorities are undeserved compared to Whites in the substance abuse service system.

This research was conducted because of a growing literature review that seemed to lean towards a race bias in the substance abuse system. This led to the study in the present article. The research method was a longitudinal study in which they evaluated these clients over a 5-year span. While it goes much more in detail, this was the main finding: Minorities are treated more poorly than whites in all areas of substance abuse treatments.

These results shocked me because they are still fairly recent. It seems as if stereotypes are still alive and present in our society and we perhaps still act on them unconsciously. It's sad to see that there hasn't been much improvement in this area and hopefully we can continually work towards better improving our substance abuse systems.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

In the Movies- Blow

For the "In the Movies" assignment I watched "Blow" starring Johnny Depp. The movie delves deep into the life of George Jung who established the cocaine trade in the United States in the 1970's. The movie is set in the "hippie" era of the United States so experimenting was commonplace. What started out as smoking/selling marijuana, turned quickly into a business that seemed to have much more upside; the cocaine trade. With a small market in the United States, Depp (Jung) starts to develop a cocaine trade in the United States in the 70's. Bouts with the law land him in trouble, however his knack for this trade catches the eye of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar. Escobar allows Jung to become his right-hand-man and makes him the kingpin in the United States cocaine trade. I believe at one point, they say in the film that 85% of all of the cocaine supplied in the United States came from Depp's character.

While all of this is happening, Jung's dependence on cocaine affects his relationship with his wife, parents, and the people around him. He chases the high over and over but the movie is developed in such a way that it makes you want to know more. However, given the time period I felt the movie's portrayal of his addiction was spot-on. I didn't think they under or over-sold his interactions with his family, wife, etc. As the movie progresses, we see Jung finally realize that the life of addiction is not everything it is cracked up to be. It's hard to feel empathy towards Jung, but given what he built around him, the movie makes it out to be a noble act of him trying to stop his frequent cocaine use. I would say in the context of just looking at the addiction itself (which is hard to do in the film with all that is going on around) I would feel for his struggles with addiction. Given everything going on around him, he should have eliminated all of the extra-curriculars in the drug trade; but it seemed as if once you're in so deep, there is no way out.

In the movie, his dad seemed disappointed but always welcomed him back. Jung's mom frequently would say how disappointed she was and would call the cops on him and try and get him arrested. All of his friends, including his wife were addicts as well. So, it is impressive to see his struggles to fight his own addiction when everyone else around him was addicted to the same thing. I think it is important to note the era in which this movie took place ('60s and '70s). As stated previously, it was commonplace for the usage of these drugs so the backlash was not as bad. The negative connotations of these harder drugs were not looked down on as much as they are nowadays. In saying this, the people around him accepted him and did not shun him from their lives. I believe the movie didn't really show the true side of cocaine addiction, mostly because it was more focused on his drug trades and how it was built from nothing. The societal relations as I've said prior seemed accurate for the time. However, today, I feel that his addiction would be heavily frowned upon.

From what we've learned in class, addiction can affect everyone around you. The example I will use is the "support" system he had which were his friends who were addicts just like him. With that environment, it is hard to believe that he would try to get clean. "Blow" does a good job illustrating also the impact cocaine has had on our society. This movie represents the foundation in which drug trading of cocaine into the US really caught foot. This movie gives a small glimpse into the plague that has been spreading throughout the United States since. In saying that, this movie was a phenomenal watch and I highly recommend it for entertainment value and some historical value.